The Blue Card is a type of permit to live and work in the EU member states, which is issued exclusively to people who are natives of countries outside the EU and have a valid educational qualification and high work experience. This visa is not issued for a long period of time and people who intend to continue working in Europe should renew it at the end of the period. Today, in this article, we are going to introduce the European Union Blue Card from 0 to 100. Follow us to the end of this article.
What is Blue Card?
The Blue Card is a type of permit for people from countries outside the European Union, which is offered to people who plan to work and live in the European Union member states for a certain number of years. Note that this card is only given to people who have a valid university degree and have a strong resume to receive a job offer from the country of their choice. The point that distinguishes the blue card from other types of visas is that the blue card gives people exactly the rights that European citizens naturally have. This card is initially issued with a credit period of 4 years, and people are required to sign a 4-year contract with their employer. If the applicant holders present a contract with a lower validity, the validity of the blue card will also be proportional to the duration of the contract.
It is worth mentioning that if the Blue Card holders lose their jobs for any reason before the end of the contract, they must sign a new work permit within a maximum period of three months so that they can stay in the country in question. Stay with us to provide you with more information about the European Blue Card.
History of Blue Card
EU countries have always made great efforts to progress together. In this regard, every year several laws are proposed by the European Union and approved by the member states of this Union. In 2007, for the first time, the European Union created the European Blue Card to compete with the American Green Card. After the reception of this plan, in 2011 we saw a huge flood of Indian and Russian natives migrating to Europe to get work in various fields. An event that helped a lot in the growth and development of various industries in Europe. With the passage of time and with the increase of people’s awareness of the European Blue Card, applicants from other countries also began to receive this visa, until today only special people have the opportunity to receive it.

Blue card issuing countries
Conditions for receiving the European Blue Card
The applicant must have a bachelor’s degree, master’s degree or higher degrees.
A strong resume and at least 5 years of work experience are the main conditions for receiving a blue card.
The contract between the applicant and the employer must be at least one year.
The amount of salary received by the applicant should not be higher than the average salary paid to natives of the country in question in the same job position.
Having a certificate of mental health, financial ability and no bad background is mandatory.
Note that using the expertise and experience of an immigration specialist can speed up the process of receiving a Blue Card.
Necessary documents to receive blue card
The documents that people have to submit to receive a blue card can be different according to the desired job and the country in which they are going to reside. But stay with us to review the general documents to get this visa.
Application form: This form, which must be completed at the beginning of your application, must be printed in two copies and filled by the applicant and the employer.
Passport: The applicant must deliver the original passport, a photocopy of its important pages, as well as all his/her old passports to the desired country.
Personal photo: photos must be similar and according to the ICAO standard. Photos must be in color, have a white background, and be taken within the last three months.
Job offer: The applicant must submit a job offer and an official job offer from the employer along with detailed details such as salary and contract period.
Proof of work ability: Proof of work ability is done through the presentation of educational qualifications, resume and proof of abilities.
Financial Affordability Certificate: Financial Affordance Certificate is a document that shows that a person is financially secure if he gets a job and can provide his life well.
The best jobs to get a blue card
First of all, it is necessary to say that when every person can reach a high level of expertise in a specific field, he can receive new and advanced job opportunities anywhere in the world. But in a series of specific areas, reaching a high level of expertise can help people succeed in obtaining a blue card. Among these jobs, the following can be mentioned:
computer science
Mechanical engineering, materials and…
Medical sciences
Mathematical sciences
Research and research
Benefits of receiving a European BlueCard
Getting an EU BlueCard can bring many benefits to people who have this card. Join us to explore these benefits.
As we said at the beginning of the article, the member states of the European Union always try to take steps with each other for the ever-increasing progress of the green continent. For this reason, today we see the creation of many industries and different businesses in European countries. This is enough to know that by receiving a blue card, you can receive a large number of job opportunities.
Some of the member states of the European Union, which are considered as Schengen visa providers, are also members of the Schengen Agreement. Obtaining a Schengen visa allows people to travel to 26 European countries with just one passport, easily and without the need to obtain a separate visa, and take advantage of employment, education, investment and tourism opportunities.
Considering the ever-increasing price of the euro, receiving a job offer in Europe and accepting that job can lead to receiving a job with a high income in euros. Therefore, if you intend to earn a high income, find a job in Europe on the agenda.
People who receive the German Blue Card have the possibility to take their first-class family with them to the destination country. In addition, the spouse of the applicant can also look for work during the stay in the destination country and earn money together with his wife.
Standard salary to get blue card
One of the questions that always arise for many people is what is the minimum and maximum amount of salary received to be approved by the country in question for issuing a bluecard? First of all, you should know that this law is written in such a way that the numbers of the countries are similar to each other and there are only minor differences between them. Based on this, the jobs in these countries are divided into two categories, essential and normal. People who intend to work in the field of essential and special jobs must have an annual income of at least 45,000 euros. Also, people who intend to work in the field of ordinary jobs, their minimum income should be 55 thousand euros per year to be approved by the country of destination.
Rejection of the European blue card
Like any other visa, Bluecard can also be rejected. Rejection of the bluecard means that the applicants’ request to issue this visa has been opposed for specific reasons. In the following, we are going to examine some of the reasons that may lead to Bluecard rejection. Stay with us.
Having a bad background
The presence of native labor to replace in the same job opportunity
There are many job opportunities in your country for the same job position
The existence of ambiguities and defects in the file and documents provided by the applicant
Creating a public or political threat if you enter the destination country
People who intend to apply for Blue Card, if they do not want to face their visa rejection during this process, they should benefit from the knowledge and expertise of an immigration consultant. For more information, please contact us.
Procedures for receiving BlueCard
Obtaining a bluecard does not involve difficult and complicated procedures. The steps to get this visa include the following:
Finding a suitable job in the desired country
Getting a work visa and traveling to the destination country and starting work
Register an application for a permit to start working
Registration of residence address
Get health insurance
Collecting necessary documents, including work contract and employer’s confirmation
Refer to the immigration office of the country in question and register an application for issuing a blue card
The best European countries to get a Blue Card
But in your opinion, which countries are the best European countries providing BlueCard? Today, the countries of Germany, Greece, Austria, Italy, Spain, France, Portugal and the Netherlands are known as the best countries that issue blue cards to applicants. In recent years, with the extensive efforts they have made in the development of various industries such as electronics, automotive, tourism, food, etc., these countries have become a suitable target for people who intend to immigrate to Europe for better job opportunities. .
The European Union Blue Card can be a suitable and golden opportunity for people who intend to seek access to new job opportunities with higher income due to their high expertise along with their high work history and experience. Thank you for joining us in this article. We hope that the information presented in this article was useful for you. Nobility Immigration Institute with expertise in obtaining European residency is ready to help you dear ones in this field. You can contact us for more information and free consultation.